
Author: RM Impianti

biomass expo tokyo

Fiera Delle Biomasse di Tokyo

Da mercoledì 28 Febbraio a venerdì 2 Marzo al polo fieristico internazionale Tokyo Big Sight; il più grande centro espositivo del paese, si terrà la 3° edizione della Biomass Expo, una delle 8 esposizioni in occasione del “World Smart Energy Week 2018” l'evento che mira...

yokohama 2017

Renewable Energy 2017. Aim for Japan!

Once again, this year, Renewable Energy exhibition at Pacifico Yokohama came at the end. Organized by the Japan Council for Renewable Energy (JCRE), this annual meeting turns out to be one of the most well-known and prominent event of the Japanese scenery for the Renewable Energy field.

biocarburante da biomassa

The energy of the future

Biofuels are «energy carriers that store the energy derived from biomass organic fuels extracted from biomass», designed to replace gasoline, diesel fuel and coal, the so-called fossil fuels, made from millions-year dead animals and plants.